217 E Houston Street, New York City, New York 10002

Enter the Mercury Lounge address into into Google Maps or your cars satellite navigation system.

Please be aware that traffic in New York City nearer to the Mercury Lounge is known to be busier than normal around times of the major events. Always allow plenty of time to arrive, park and then walk to the entrance.

The Mercury Lounge is located at 217 E Houston St, New York, NY 10002. Guests who are driving to the theatre should arrive no later than 45 minutes before a show’s start time to give plenty of time to find parking and reach their seats. Any standard GPS service will get guests to the venue on time.

There is plenty of nearby parking from parking garages and metered street parking. Please be sure to read posted signs to make sure you have plenty of time in your chosen parking space or the money you need for parking fees and costs.