Cxramia Tickets
Mercury Lounge - NY | New York, New York

The pulse of the beats, the thunder of the crowd, and the energy to match is exactly what fans will get once Cxramia travels to New York, New York in 2023. Hosted by Mercury Lounge - one of the premier top around - the gig will live up to expectations and blow everyone in attendance all away. Cxramia always brings the top artists of the times and these performers never disappoint. Don’t you want to be there to see this sonic spectacle live!? Well, once you make up your mind, those tickets can be yours with a few clicks! That’s right! Just click the ‘get tickets’ button and purchase yours now!
When was the first time you listened to Cxramia’s record for the first time? Do you remember what it felt like to hear a song and think “Oh, I REALLY like this”? That second you just know you have discovered you next favorite artist. The one you will obsess with over the next month, the one you will tell everyone you know to listen to just so you have someone to share their music with. The one you will listen to and think “They could not get any better” until they release their next album and then… bam, you adore them even more. Hundreds of thousands of fans of Cxramia have experienced the same way as you, and cannot wait for their 2023 tour. You could share the UNREAL experience of seeing your favorite Cxramia live and sharing the experience with the thousands of fans in New York. In between dancing and singing along to your favorite songs being played live, you’ll get the chance to take some fantastic pictures and videos as Mercury Lounge allows breathtaking visibility. Make a dream come true, get your ticket now!